They are awesome. I have been wearing the liners around to get use to them. I have not made it into the boot all the way yet. Man, the liners are for real great. They make my old ski boots look horrible! Pitch in snowboarding (I've skiied for years) right up there with moguls, that I am waiting to look into more. Worth a lot. Turn in what you need as long as it doesn't make me more dizzy. I have enough high accounts. What about a Hawaiian like jacket and bibs? Something like the socks without red and why not closer to a lighter purple like the one pair of boots. Geneva Basin from years past go to if you want to. I have to work with certain old time investors still well in Texas. Plus, Steamboat Springs had someone come and help out Ski Powderhorn over thirty years ago to help the resort, still shifting money in and out of there through United ~ old time Continenal Airlines (Dad use to work for). More ~ United bought out Continenetal, Continental Airlines psyychiatrist still on line. LA main hub for Continental, not United. Possible snowboarding boot sales there with snowboards and skiis. Use to help with Continental Airlines daily by going skiing, so same with snowboarding with United. There are old time devices within United from Continental Airlines. To get the better customers with the bigger bucks, first class not always. Plus, guarantees of not falling is the goal here. One fall, **** million bucks lost back in the day internationally. You could use that for clothes also. I wore a pair of yellow ski pants that I made with my Mom so she could see me go down the mountain at Ski Loveland mainly. For years there also.
Did think it was a lie, but it isn't bought a ticket for Flagstaff November 29. FREE snowboarding lessons. Afternoon session. My psychiatrists said to keep going over everything and the switchover should be fine. There are big differences there though. They relabeled or renamed parts of Loveland? Their black now and not blue or green at the top? Yellow terrain? What? Same old mountain, but what? Helped with avalanche stuff, always off according to the Germans for check backs. Does mean they could be at risk there, **** that. I want no part of that risk. I skiied there mostly growing up.